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Flipped Learning
What is Flipped Learning?
According to, "Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which" direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.” In other words, the first-contact learning, like reading, watching a video, or lecture is done outside of the class space. This frees up time for deeper types of learning such as application, collaboration and creation, which is done inside the classroom.
How is a flipped class different from a hybrid class?
A hybrid course reduces the number of face-to-face class sessions with online content and/or sessions. In a flipped class, however, the class meets the same number of sessions face-to-face. The difference is entirely in how the class time is utilized.
Is flipped learning mainly about creating video lectures?
Absolutely not! Flipped learning isn’t about videos at all. Videos are one tool that many educators use when flipping their class, but it is not the only tool. Content can be moved online in a number of ways. That might include videos, but it could also be readings, problem sets, case studies, assessment, writing assignments, and other activities.
How do I get students to study the content outside of class?
This is one important challenge in a flipped class and strategies for accomplishing this goal must be carefully considered. One effective strategy is to require an “entry ticket” to face-to-face sessions that demonstrates a student has completed the outside assignments. This might be a test, a reflection, or something you have collected online such as responding to questions embedded in a video.
If I move my lectures online, what do I do in class?
The entire idea of flipping a class is to make space for more student engagement. What that looks like will vary by individual teaching style and subject matter. It might include collaborative learning, small group discussion, problem solving, case studies, hands-on learning, and so on.
Resources on flipped learning?
Flipped learning is nothing new. It has been a popular and effective pedagogical approach in K-12 education for over a decade. There are numerous blogs, websites, videos, and books on the subject. Even though most of the available resources are aimed at a K-12 audience, they can be easily adapted for higher education.
Here are a few to get you started:
- Jon Bergmann is one of the gurus of the flipped movement. He has written a number of books on the subject and is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences. You can subscribe to his YouTube channel for a great overview of the subject. Here is a good place to start.
- Edutopia, a website founded by the George Lucas Foundation, has been a proponent of flipped learning from the beginning. They have numerous resources. Here are two:
- The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning has a useful Flipped Classroom FAQ.
- The Cult of Pedagogy website has a great resource called The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies which can help answer the question, “What do I do in class?”
- Campus Technology published an article, Six Expert Tips on Flipping a Classroom.
- Faculty Focus published an article, Looking for Flippable Moments.
For more information or to sign up for a flipped learning workshop, contact